Creator Blog No. 2

Hi everyone!  My name’s Mikayla and I’m so excited to be a part of this Collective. 

 A little bit about me; I grew up in South Carolina and have loved creating ever since I can remember.  With a background in Architecture, I transitioned into Interior Design when I moved to Washington DC after college.  Beyond my professional endeavors, I engage myself in multiple artistic pursuits, from sewing to painting and crafting earrings. 

I was thrilled to become part of the Resonance Collective, as they are a group sought-after proclaiming the name of Jesus in everything they do.  Within this group, we have the freedom to express our wildest creative concepts, confident that they will be brought to life.  When creating in the presence of God, each idea is infused with deeper meaning and significance; transforming our gifts into a form of worship.

My testimony restarts to the end of 2021 when I began pursuing a personal relationship with the Lord.  During that time, He pruned all of my plans and opened my eyes to habits that weren’t glorifying Him.  He brought me to a place where it was just the two of us, allowing me to shift focus entirely to Him.  Quite literally, during that time, I was going through surgery and was confined to my house for weeks.  I recall it being one of the first times in my life I actually talked to God everyday.  Since then, the Lord has been teaching me to grasp the depth of his love and how to boldly walk from strength to strength (Psalm 84:7).  

The Lord has been downloading a lot to me since the start of 2024.  I joined an amazing “Bible Bootcamp”  that’s pushed me more than I could have ever imagined.  I’ve been equipped to learn more about who God is and what He desires, and pushed me  to disciple others.  I’ve had a bad habit of letting fear get in the way of me using my voice which is something that God has been pushing me to step into more.  Despite it being uncomfortable at times, the Lord has steadily been showing me how to walk in power and reign in life.  The fact that I now pray out loud and talk to strangers about what God’s done for me is a testimony in itself. 

My guiding verse for the year has been Revelation 3:20 - “Behold, I stand at the door and knock.  If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come into him and dine with him and he with me”.  This verse embodies the love that the Lord has for us and His desire to build a relationship.  It’s a reminder that I can’t hide from His presence; He’s standing at the door, waiting for me to pursue Him with the same intentionality that He pursues me.  This verse calls me to live a life on watch for the Lord – to listen to where He’s at work and to invite Him in.  

God has been unwavering in His patience with me, guiding my every step in ways I can't fathom. I am thrilled to be part of a creative group inspired by the ultimate Creator and can’t wait to see what He has in store for us all! 

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