The one where God turns all things for good.

Hi Everyone! November began with a recentering during our weekly prayer time. We felt God leading us to recenter on His vision for us. We asked Him to give us fresh vision, fire, and encouragement to call forth His promises to pursue His presence on Earth together as a team. This led us to focus on entering His presence every time we worship together. 

On 11/3/2023, Resonance turned 1 year old (talk about time moving quickly)! We based our official start date on the night we chose our name. At worship practice on 11/3/2022, we compiled a list of potential names and planned to pray on it for the week, but as the night continued, we all began to feel like there was no competition and that our name was clearly Resonance. We all sat on the edge of the stage a year ago in front of a little camera and proclaimed, “We are Resonance,” as Jeremiah jumped over the drumkit, which at the time had no name on the kick.

On the eighteenth of November, we began the day filming content and videos for our next song. After a birthday lunch and afternoon nap intermission, we were planning on working on another photoshoot for Kyle’s upcoming music drop when we got a call from our friend, who told us that a truck had run into the lobby of our church building. We should note how important the church building is to our weekly rhythms. Because of our church leadership’s support of us, we have been allowed to use the building to host our recording studio, lead worship weekly, host our weekly team meetings, have our weekly work nights, and store our instruments and equipment. After getting the call, we quickly threw on our AIM Church merch, piled into the car, and went to see what had happened and to retrieve the instruments God had gifted us because we weren’t sure if the building was going to be secure or not. In the midst of destruction and some logistical changes, we are continually humbled and in awe of God’s protection over us. Just mere hours before the accident happened, we were standing in the very place of wreckage, planning content rollout. God is so good! This has been a testament to the fact that God takes what the enemy meant for evil and turns it for good. 

 While we had to pivot as a church body, we know that the church is made up of people, not a building, and we pushed forward into what God is doing and know that as He is working, the enemy is being routed! 

Here’s some quick updates on what to be looking out for from more of our creatives!

Sam, with his brand Outwest.Co, was able to send out hoodie tech packs to manufacturers! This is a highly anticipated drop, as it features more very unique and original designs, with fun, yet practical features. He had a good first drop with his customizable  double knee shorts and believes in God for more success and heavenly positioning as he prepares his next drop! 

Noah is doing well as he transitions into his new job and married life. Noah’s video content is still doing well, and he is preparing to create more videos before the end of the year. Noah is also stepping in to assist the band with content editing and creating! 

Kyle has been working on his next big project, which he hopes to release by the end of the year. Please join us in praying and declaring God’s provision over him for school that will begin in January. 

The band has been hard at work this month, working towards their goal of releasing more music at the end of 2023 and into 2024.

Thank you Lord for another month! Thank you friends for continuing to pray for us! 



The Resonance Collective :)

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